• 10A Bellevue Cres, Preston, Vic 3072

Auto Electrical

Cars are growing more complex with every new model released. More and more vehicles rely on modern electrical systems than ever before, and we can see this trend continuing. A lot of these systems are intertwined and a problem in one could be a symptom of something more serious elsewhere. The last thing you should do is leave it unchecked.

We use the latest diagnostics and testing equipment to quickly find the cause of an electrical issue, allowing us to use the tools we bring to each vehicle to solve it and get you back on the road.

Auto Electrical Melbourne

Auto Electrical

Every member of our team is fully qualified and experienced in auto-electrical services and repairs, meaning we’re confident of finding the solution to your problem. With more than 15 years helping drivers wherever they may, we offer convenience, so you don’t have to plan your day around getting to and from a workshop. It doesn’t matter where you need us to be, we’ll be there quickly and with a friendly and professional attitude.

Don’t wait for a problem to get worse before you do anything. Contact us as soon as you notice some wrong and we’ll be there to identify and fix it as soon as we can!

Other Services

Air Conditioning & Heating

Your air conditioning and heating system is important to keep you comfortable throughout the year

FWD Repairs & Accessories

There’s no better team to get you and your 4×4 vehicle ready for your next great escape than ours!


All Your Auto Electrical & Mechanical Service

0409 082 028
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