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How To Test If Your Car’s Heating System Is Still In Good Condition

The warmth of summer is slowly dissipating through the autumn season and pretty soon the evenings and mornings are going to become crisper than the most powerful of mints. Thus far, you likely relied on your air conditioner to cool down your vehicle cabin. But pretty soon, it will be time to start cranking up the heat so you can stay comfortable on chilly days. 

It is good to test your vehicle’s heating system before the cold starts to set in. In this guide, we are going to take a look at the best way to test your car’s heating and some of the most common issues you might encounter.

How To Test Your Car’s Heating System

To test if your heater is functioning properly, you will first need to fire the engine up. It will take a couple of minutes to warm up the engine and your air conditioning system won’t be able to produce any hot air during these first couple of minutes.

Turn the dial on your car’s air conditioning system to warm. You should immediately notice air circulate through the vents into your car. While your car is still cold, the air might be cool but it will quickly heat up as your engine warms up. 

If your car isn’t producing hot air within 10 to 15 minutes or if the air doesn’t seem to be blowing into your vehicle then there could be an issue with your heating system. 

If your car is warming up then you might also want to test the different temperature settings. A lot more air should pour into your car when it is set on a high heat and high fan setting and the temperature should gradually decrease as you turn the temperature down. 

If you can get your cabin temperature nice and toasty within 15 minutes without hearing any strange noises or noticing any air circulation issues then you need not worry. 

However, if the air conditioner isn’t blowing properly, if the temperature isn’t increasing, or if you have a tough time adjusting the temperature range then there is likely an issue.

The Most Common Car Heating System Issues

Your heating system’s performance can be affected by a number of different issues. Here is a quick look at the most common heating system issues.

Low Coolant Levels

Vehicles require coolant to produce hot air because coolant is important for heat exchange. The coolant levels can drop as you use your car over time or if there is a crack in the coolant tank, hose, or if the water pump or radiator forms a leak. A blown head gasket can also affect your coolant levels but there should be lots of other running issues if this happens.

Failed Heater Control Valve

The heater control valve is a divert that stops the antifreeze from pouring into the heater core. If this control valve is malfunctioning, your heater won’t function properly.

Blocked Cabin Air Filter

Air filters can become blocked over time. When your cabin air filter is blocked, it can reduce the overall airflow inside the vehicle and the air conditioner’s ability to cool down the cabin will be affected.

If you want a professional to take a look at your car’s heater or need to get this system repaired, then you should give A Plus Auto Electrical & Air Conditioning a call. These professionals can help you with any electrical issues, air conditioning pro

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